Creative Achievers

Jimmy Nelson - Photographer (in English)

Creative Achievers

Jimmy Nelson is a world-famous photographic artist, known for his stunning portraits of indigenous communities, presented in their traditional dress, around the world. He spent a large part of his youth at boarding school in England, because his dad worked for Shell. This had quite an impact on his life. When he was 17 he broke free and, inspired by TinTin, went to Tibet for 2 years. You could say that the Tibetan people were his very first photo object. He sold the picture he took to a magazine, and from then on was a photographer. In 2010 he started traveling around the world to put indigenous people in front of his lens and three years later Before They Pass Away was there. It has sold over 260,000 copies so far. Last year his second book came out; Homage to Humanity. And he is now in the process of creating his third book.