Nationale Opera & Ballet

Soft Valkyrie [ACT 3] - episode 13 - Wotan's Rage

Nationale Opera & Ballet

Previously on Soft Valkyrie. Brunhilde arrived at the Valkyrie’s rock, where her sisters were gathering with corpses of heroes to bring to Valhalla, Wotan’s debt-plagued palace of death. She asked for someone to help with Sieglinde, who exited East with a sublime finale. But no sooner was this goal achieved than Wotan appeared in a fury, preparing to inflict the severest punishment on his daughter for her insubordination. Brunhilde’s sisters have left her alone with their dad. The prognosis doesn’t look good, but the temperature has cooled somewhat. It’s dusk now. To find out whether Brunnhilde will manage to gain her angry father’s sympathies, you’ll have to tune in next time, to Soft Valkyrie