Of Je Stopt De Stekker Er In

#002 | Terugblik op THINK 2021

Of Je Stopt De Stekker Er In

Vandaag aan tafel Vincent van Ovost. Samen kijken we terug op IBM's jaarlijkse terugkomende evenement THINK. 
Besproken sessies:
2293 The world's platform for digital transformation (Keynote by Arvind)
2312 The Currency of Trust 
2320 The Neuro Generation
2324 IBM is Open for Business (Closing by Jim Whitehurst)
1422 How Pfizer safeguards its organization against threats, while the world watches
1708 Supporting our healthcare heroes: IT agility and the pandemic response
2515 IBM Hybrid Cloud: The leading platform for mission-critical workloads
1450 Accelerating safety at the edge: Lumen Technologies and IBM Cloud Satellite
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