Of Je Stopt De Stekker Er In

#014 | IBM TechU, ReaQta en Magische L2 cache

Of Je Stopt De Stekker Er In

Samen met Arjan Verlaan blikken we terug op de IBM Technical University die virtueel gehouden werd van 25 tot 28 oktober. 
IBM to Expand Security Portfolio with Plans to Acquire ReaQta: https://newsroom.ibm.com/2021-11-02-IBM-to-Expand-Security-Portfolio-with-Plans-to-Acquire-ReaQta
TechTechPotato’s Youtube video ‘This is How IBM Will Revolutionize PC Gaming’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=z6u_oNIXFuU
IBM Technical University (IBM TechU): https://techu-vconf.bemyapp.com/#/event
Besproken TechU sessies:
- Flash Futures (What's coming up in the near future) door Brent Yardley
- IBM Storage Strategy: Solving Business and Technical Problems Today and Tomorrow door Sam Werner
- GAIA-X - Concept for a federated European Cloud door Ulrich Walter
Op- en aanmerkingen kunnen gestuurd worden naar: ofjestoptdestekkererin@nl.ibm.com