Space Cowboys | BNR

Space all over the place

Space Cowboys | BNR

Meanwhile Thys is still traveling in Asia where he encountered a new and hitherto undiscovered space agency, which was never before in contact with civilization. ;-)
==NEWS== Russian satellites spy on satellites
Unmanned Soyuz carries a not too peaceful humanoid robot
The Planetary Society's lightsail wasn't very effective after all
Did Beresheet seed the Moon with waterbears (tardigrades)?
Elon Musk proposes to 'nuke Mars'
NASA is going to Europa
First crime in space?
Chandrayaan-2 is approaching the Moon
Hayabusa discovers: no dust on Ryugu
==CREDITS== Space Cowboys is made by Thys Roes and Herbert Blankesteijn in collaboration with BNR Nieuwsradio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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