Transformatie Podcast

How psychedelics can reset your mind | #59 Michael Pollan

Transformatie Podcast

Professor, journalist and activist Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles for more than thirty years about the human engagement with the natural world, and how nature changes us and we change nature. He is author of two of my favorite books: In Defense of Food and, most importantly his most recent book on psychedelics: How to Change Your Mind. As an experienced psychonaut myself, I very much looking forward to discussing consciousness and ego, and off course, the controversy surrounding psychedelics and psychedelic research. In this podcast you will learn: - Why is the question if psychedelics are bad for you getting old? - Are mystical or religious experiences (less) authentic when induced by a psychedelic? - Is a trip something that happens inside our head, or is it ‘reality’? - What is the relationship between the default mode network and depression?